Jeff Kahn is an internationally renowned kinetic artist who lives on a farm in Lenhartsville Pennsylvania. His professional experience spans jewelry, furniture, wood, computer-controlled sculpture, and most famously his wind driven kinetic sculpture. Jeff creates everything himself from his personal shop, where he designs, fabricates parts, builds all of the structures, and finishes everything. “Wind Shear” is large scale kinetic art that elegantly moves in less than 2 mph breezes. The sculpture is made from aluminum and stainless steel, effortlessly gliding and pirouetting on finely balanced pivot points. Wind Shear is positioned to draw you into the park in a straight visual line from the parking lot, through the Wander In Wonder entry arch, under the entry kiosk overhang, and through the curved trail that wraps around and under the sculpture for you to experience it from many vantage points.
Wind Shear is large scale kinetic art that elegantly moves in less than 2 mph breezes. Jeff creates everything himself from his personal shop: design, fabricates parts, builds all of the structures, and finishes everything. The sculpture is made from aluminum and stainless steel, effortlessly gliding and pirouetting on well balanced pivot points.