Travel Lens completely updated their guide to the best things that Whidbey Island has to offer, and author Blake Walsh graciously included us among the best in “20 Best Things to Do in Whidbey Island, WA“.

Blake began his section (in an earlier version of the article including the Sculpture Forest) with “Every time I want to escape the hustle and bustle of the city, I take refuge in the Price Sculpture Forest, a place that never fails to amaze me. I stumbled upon this enchanted forest one day, and I’ve been hooked ever since. Just a stone’s throw away from the highway, it’s my haven of serenity and creativity. As I meander through the forest trails, I’m always captivated by the eclectic mix of sculptures that blend seamlessly with the surroundings.”

Thank you, Blake and Travel Lens!

Travel Lens 23 Best Things to Do in Whidbey Island WA with Price Sculpture Forest

  • October 2023