We are less than 2 weeks away from “Wander/Wonder: A Sculptured Dance Happening” by Eva Stone and the professional dancers of StoneDance Productions. Karina Andrew wrote an advance article “Dance Comes to Sculpture Forest” for the Whidbey News-Times, interviewing Eva about the performance’s inspiration and a partial peek at what you can experience at the event.

“Stone said she feels strongly about creating dances that reflect the space in which they are performed. Part of the choreography process involved research into the sculptures and the artists who created them to ensure each dance aligns with and responds to the adjacent artwork.

Stone added that another important part of her mission is to help connect people who don’t know anything about dance with the art form, which she describes as a nonverbal, abstract language. She hopes this performance will be accessible to all audience members, allowing even those who feel they don’t typically “get” dance to be enlightened or uplifted.”

Thank you, Karina, Whidbey News-Times, and Eva!

Whidbey News-Times Dance Comes to Sculpture Forest by Karina Andrew intro at Price Sculpture Forest
  • August 2022