The concept of Cloud Heron was created when Elizabeth Berrien stopped herself midway while forming a lifelike heron sculpture. She saw the creative possibilities in keeping half of the art figurative and then abstractly transforming the other half into a sense of flight and motion from a cloud. The result is now floating in the Sculpture Forest.

Bonnie Rae from Auburn WA visited and spent contemplative time with Cloud Heron, photographing and writing about it later.

“It’s really a magical place. We must have spent half an hour on the heron sculpture alone. The sun kept shifting in the trees and everything just came alive in those woods.

I enjoyed myself so much I’m returning Monday to stay a couple nights so I can explore again! Your Sculpture Forest is a wonderful addition in the area. Thank you. Such a great gift.”

Thank YOU, Elizabeth and Bonnie!

Elizabeth Berrien Cloud Heron at Price Sculpture Forest park garden in Coupeville on Whidbey Island - photo Bonnie Rae Instagram insearchofthevery
Bonnie’s closeup view of Elizabeth’s Cloud Heron face amidst the trees
  • October 2021