Whidbey Life Magazine has published a feature spread about the Sculpture Forest, including the story behind the park’s creation, insights about specific sculptors and sculptures, and how visitors plus sculptors are experiencing the Forest today. Author Lea Cramer and photographer Marsha Morgan, with the help of editor Dianna MacLeod, created a wide ranging and entertaining overview.

“The playful and experimental installations invite us to appreciate a visual culture within the context of nature. Some even offer a thought-provoking commentary on the complicated relationship between man and nature… Like nature itself, the installations are ever-evolving; they are changed by the elements, by time, or by the artists.

It’s a perfect place to explore, with over 28 installations to tease out curiosity, ignite creativity, and foster divergent thinking. It returns us to a place of reflection and wondering. After all, as Lewis Carroll’s Cheshire Cat quipped, ‘Imagination is the only weapon in the war against reality.'”

Whidbey Life Magazine is available at many retail locations (list available on their website) or by mail.

Thank you for your fun story, Dianna, Lea, and Marsha!

Whidbey Life Magazine A Walk In Wonderland story about Price Sculpture Forest
First page of feature article

  • June 2021