Happy Birthday to everyone! The Sculpture Forest opened for you on October 23, 2020.
Two years ago, we were pre-permits and had future trails marked by tape within the bushes. 2020 was a whirlwind of intense activity as we created a full trail system, constructed a parking lot, installed utilities and security, created a website / social media / free multi-media self-guided tour, and collaborated extensively with incredible artists and volunteers to create the entire experience that is available for you today. We could not even tell people about our ribbon cutting ceremony with local officials since COVID regulations did not allow congregations of more than 10 people! Since then, we estimate that over 50,000 visitors have already enjoyed the Sculpture Forest, and the numbers are continually increasing as your positive word spreads.
We thank the top notch artists who took a risk on this grand experiment by contributing their creativity, time, and resources to share their work with an appreciative public.
We thank the volunteers who have been so instrumental in creating all of this together, with special thank you to Ken, Bob, Michael, Linda, and Bev, among others.
We thank you, the Sculpture Forest’s fans and supporters, for your positivity and appreciation throughout. You are why we do this together!
And we thank our partner arts and civic organizations as we grow all aspects of our broader community together.
We have exciting plans for our second year already in the works, including a large scale, interactive, cutting edge art project like no other. In concert with the majestic old trees of the Sculpture Forest, this community sculpture park grows and changes over time to become bigger and stronger, too.
If you would like to help the Sculpture Forest with a birthday present, we are currently saving up donations to expand our parking lot and add nature-themed bicycle racks. A very generous anonymous donation from a well known area artist has propelled us forward on these projects, and any donations of any amount will help us to fully fund the projects so we can put them in place for you. You can donate online anytime to our nonprofit 501c3 organization. We are completely volunteer run, so your donations are directly applied to maintaining and expanding the Sculpture Forest experience.
Happy birthday to you!