Research research research. I’m certainly not an impulsive type.

Lots of checking out local topography, zoning, local properties, comparable sales, prior info from a prior listing, and much more. The end result: I decided to go for it.

The unusual thing is that my wife has not even seen it yet, since she was in a gardening class in Langley while I was bushwhacking around the property yesterday. But my descriptions, MLS pictures, Google Earth satellite images, and other info gave her comfort in agreeing that it’s a right match for us and our goals.

I was originally on track to even submit an offer today.  But, with Christmas happening tomorrow, the timing is a bit rushed. The listing agent and seller would likely not do much with an offer today until a couple days from now anyhow. So, that will provide more time to obtain additional documentation from the listing agent, do more research, and get an updated pre-approval letter from my lender.

This could be an interesting way to bring in the New Year. As per usual for me, I filled up time so that I’m always busy. I was starting to get a little free time recently with recent job adjustments, but now of course that’s gone and this will certainly keep me busy if it goes through to mutual agreement.

  • December 2007