You are invited to a Sculpture Forest first: an immersive professional dance performance interacting with sculptures along our Forest trails. We are honored that famed choreographer Eva Stone selected the Sculpture Forest to create “Wander/Wonder: A Sculptured Dance Happening” and present it for the public with her professional dance troupe. The dancers are national caliber professional dancers who perform at venues such as McCaw Hall, Pacific Northwest Ballet, and now at the Sculpture Forest, too! Each short performance is directly related to and inspired by the art and environment that surrounds it. The movement-artist dancers include Leah Terada, Mary Sigward, Zsilas Michael Hughes, Hannah Simmons, Joh Morrill, Julia Y. James, Hutch Hagendorf, Emily Schoen Branch, Kaelyn Lefferts, and Ivana Lin.

This event will occur Saturday August 27 from 1:00-3:00pm. You can show up anytime during then since the dancers will be repeating their short sculptural interplays throughout the two hours, and you can walk from one to the other. We recommend showing up between 1:00-2:00 so you can see them all in action. Overflow parking will be provided at a generous volunteer’s property across the street. A $20 suggested donation is encouraged, with proceeds to benefit the Good Cheer Food Bank and the Sculpture Forest, though it is also pay what you can and everyone is encouraged to come regardless of ability to pay.

Come and join us for a whole new experience Where Dance Enhances Art and Nature.

Wander/Wonder: A Sculptured Dance Happening by Eva Stone and StoneDance Productions at Price Sculpture Forest
Wander/Wonder event poster

Dancer Julia James photo by Tuesday Sands for Wander Wonder A Sculptured Dance Happening at Price Sculpture Forest
Dancer Julia James, photo by Tuesday Sands
  • July 2022