Artist Maria Wickwire unveiled her sculpture Anillos for an appreciative crowd on International Sculpture Day.  A ribbon cutting and unveiling occurred with Mayor of Coupeville Molly Hughes, Chamber of Commerce Executive Director Lynda Eccles, and other invited guests, followed by an inspiring message of strength and rebuilding from Maria.  The patina of bronze with gold kintsugi paint provides a new skin for the emotive and somewhat mysterious figure, and its mood changes with different light.  Anillos seems quite content and supported within her new forest home.

A big thank you to Maria and to all the supporters who have been welcoming her and Anillos to the Sculpture Forest Family.

Anillos by Maria Wickwire amongst trees of Price Sculpture Forest

Maria Wickwire speaking to audience after unveiling Anillos at Price Sculpture Forest

Lynda, Maria, Molly, Ken, Scott at unveiling of Anillos at Price Sculpture Forest

Face of Anillos by Maria Wickwire at Price Sculpture Forest

Anillos by Maria Wickwire at Price Sculpture Forest

  • May 2024