Multi-media artist / sculptor Anthony Heinz May has come from New York City to immerse himself at the Sculpture Forest for a week and create a unique new site-specific installation.
A tree had recently fallen across the Whimsy Way trail from a big windstorm. Its middle trunk had to be cut and cleared for access. Anthony envisioned a way to repurpose the remaining in-place uprooted tree and the cut log sections into something unique, meaningful, and fantastical. On Friday, we did site reconnaissance and fleshed out the concept. On Saturday, we gathered the wood sections that were on the trail and cut them to usable smaller size rounds. On Sunday, Anthony worked for over 12 hours nonstop in Ken Price’s woodworking shop as he cut the rounds into new even smaller forms on a bandsaw. On Monday, Anthony worked another long day creating an interconnected pattern of drill holes in the smaller shapes, all to be assembled onsite later.
Anthony will be further creating his sculpture on the Whimsy Way trail today/Tuesday, Wednesday, and likely Thursday. If you are out walking the trails, stop by and introduce yourself or just see him in action. We are looking forward to watching Anthony’s new vision unfold this week.