Our fun, gregarious Sculpture Forest friend and volunteer Christina Whiting is moving back to Alaska. She helped keep signs and sculptures clean, pitching in to keep...
Our fun, gregarious Sculpture Forest friend and volunteer Christina Whiting is moving back to Alaska. She helped keep signs and sculptures clean, pitching in to keep...
We love the small but growing collaborative team of volunteers at the Sculpture Forest. There are many things always going on. People can pick what interests themselves most and decide how they want to help. Volunteers can help one day or be an ongoing part of the team. ...
Appreciated park volunteer Christina Whiting found the winter sun while making her rounds through the lush ferns of the Sculpture Forest. She enjoys her purposeful...
Local woodworking craftsmen Michael Hauser and Ken Price, both of Langley, have created a beautiful, live edge, cherry wood welcome arch that you will be able to enter...
Local Coupeville photographer Gary Lemmon will be visually documenting the creation and evolution of the Sculpture Forest. Gary has been a photographer for years and is continually expanding his craft. He...
Local woodworking craftsman Michael Hauser and painting artist Linda Hauser joined forces to create a unique three dimensional representation of the sculpture park's emblem. They used the intarsia wood inlay technique, where separate pieces of wood are individually carved and then formed...