Well known and loved local sculptor Ivan Neaigus passed away in July and his life partner Talia Toni Marcus now has an uncertain financial future ahead. To help Talia in her next life chapter and to ensure Ivan’s legacy of work continues to be accessible to the public into the future, the Sculpture Forest is collaborating with artists and friends on a fundraiser for them. Karina Andrew of The Whidbey News-Times wrote a very nice article about the entire story in “Sculpture Installed as a Tribute to Late Artist.” You can donate to the community fundraiser for the artists at this link here.

Ivan worked in stone, wood, and metal, as well as 2D painting and drawing. His first professional background was in clothing design before he moved to Whidbey Island decades ago and became a full time artist with many shows and commissions over the years. When his remaining personal collection needed a more certain future, Ivan’s friends and family reached out to the Sculpture Forest as an ideal location for everyone to be able to see an example of his work. Talia led us on a tour through his beautiful personal sculpture park across his home’s 5 acres and the sculpture “Sunrise / Sunset” was a clear choice for being moved into the Sculpture Forest’s Nature Nurtured loop trail for public exhibition.

“Sunrise / Sunset” conceptually presents a rising sun on one side and a setting sun on the other, with a solar hole in the middle to see through the passage of time during the day, all surrounded by a halo of light and clouds. We were able to provide it a location where the sculpture is on a raised mound that can be visually approached from both sides and it is exactly aligned on an east/west axis.

Talia has been an active, positive advocate and participant in the local arts, music, and theater community for many years. She could use help since her long term home has now been sold for the many heirs and her future income sources are both diminished and uncertain. All proceeds from the fundraiser go to Talia.

Ivan Neaigus and Talia Marcus
Ivan Neaigus and Talia Marcus
Ivan Neaigus Sunrise Sunset looking east at Price Sculpture Forest
Sunrise / Sunset looking east
Sunrise Sunset by Ivan Neaigus looking west at Price Sculpture Forest
Sunrise / Sunset looking west
Whidbey News Times article intro by Karina Andrew Sculpture Installed as a Tribute to Late Artist - at Price Sculpture Forest
Article intro
  • December 2021