A Tyrannosaurus Rex has invaded Whidbey Island! Reporters have determined that the dinosaur finds Sculpture Forest visitors to be especially tasty, and he is hungry.
When we transported driftwood sculptor Joe Treat’s T Rex from Bow Washington to the Sculpture Forest, reporter Kira Erickson of The Whidbey News Times was all over it. We even got a picture of T making the leap across the Deception Pass Bridge. This became top center front page news with the red headline “Wild Art”. Kira wrote a fun article about the sculpture park’s upcoming opening, with a special focus on Joe as a featured sculptor and his story creating the T Rex.
Joe is a poster child for our Whimsy Way section of the park, and his good natured art shows why. More updates to come about Joe, T, and another new inhabitant that came with T for good company.