Pam Young, a wonderful long time local neighbor and supporter of the sculpture park, passed away from our lives a few months ago due to COVID-19. Her husband David Young is also a very friendly supporter, volunteer, and local neighbor of the Sculpture Forest. He generated the idea of creating a lasting memorial in memory and celebration of Pam at the park.
They were both active birders and nature defenders. Pam especially enjoyed watching the local eagles that flew over her yard and the sculpture park. David initially decided he would like to commission a sculpture of an eagle for Pam with a local sculptor and then donate it to the permanent collection at the Sculpture Forest.
In parallel, talented local Coupeville sculptor Greg Neal was coordinating with the park to exhibit two of his sculptures. He specializes in birds. One of his sculptures, “Soaring Eagle”, seemed a perfect match for what David was looking for in memory of Pam. Its impressive 8 foot wingspan soars through the Forest in the air. We fully installed Soaring Eagle at the park and then showed it to David. David loved the artistry of Greg’s work, and he sent pictures of Soaring Eagle to family and friends. They enthusiastically supported David’s idea and selection, which solidified his decision to purchase the sculpture and share it at the public sculpture park as a fitting tribute to Pam.
Greg invited David over to his home and shop for lunch. They talked about Pam, sculpture, and much more.
In the end, it was an amazing win win win for everyone: David enabled a terrific memorial to Pam, Greg sold his sculpture to an appreciative local patron, and Soaring Eagle gets to continue to fly in the Sculpture Forest for you to see after we open.
Thank you to David and Greg, and thank you Pam for your friendship and spirit while you were with us all.