Alex Welton from Salt Lake City, Utah created a photo through Ivan Neaigus’ “Sunrise/Sunset” and then re-created the perspective for the Guest Participation Book at the exit kiosk. Alex was visiting with his sister Emma (from Longmont, Colorado) on a weeklong memorial trip for their father who passed in May 2021.

“He loved Whidbey and visited many times, but never made it to the sculpture forest to our knowledge. We stumbled upon the forest luckily while driving to Coupeville. We really loved the peacefulness of the space, the stunning features of some sculptures and how others blended smoothly into the landscape. It was a very cool experience for 2 people who would consider themselves non-artsy.”

“Thank you for gifting us a beautiful memory. Both of our parents – who we were honoring with this trip – would have loved this place. And we definitely felt them amongst the trees and art!”

Thank you for sharing, Alex, Emma, and Ivan!

Sunrise Sunset by Ivan Neaigus with Emma - photo by Alex Welton
Photo by Alex of Sunrise/Sunset and Emma
Sunrise Sunset by Ivan Neaigus with Emma - drawing by Alex Welton
Drawing by Alex of Sunrise/Sunset and Emma
  • June 2022