Maggie Easton of Oak Harbor recently took the grandparents (Terry and Kathy McCluskey of Port Ludlow) with the grandkids (her kids Vera and Caela) to explore the Sculpture Forest for a multi-generational outing.  They enjoyed learning about and discussing Boyang Yu‘s Points of Departure Act II.  For good measure, they also got eaten by a Tyrannosaurus Rex (by Joe Treat).

Thank you for sharing your trip and photos, Maggie!

Boyang Yu Points of Departure Act II - photo by Maggie Easton of Oak Harbor WA
Boyang Yu’s Points of Departure Act II
Caela Easton with Joe Treat Tyrannosaurus Rex at Price Sculpture Forest - by Maggie Easton of Oak Harbor WA
Caela voluntarily getting eaten by Joe Treat’s Tyrannosaurus Rex

  • January 2021