Island author Carolyn Tamler dove into some new topics and published an interesting article about the Sculpture Forest on community site Whidbey Local: “Price Sculpture Forest in Coupeville is a Wonderful Place to Wander and Experience Wonder“. Carolyn had visited the park on her own and immediately wanted to write and share a story about it. A fun afternoon chat at a Coupeville coffee shop ensued. She talks about park history, design principles, and collaborating with great artists.
Here’s an excerpt: “Concept was that each piece would be unique and invite the viewer to feel a sense of discovery as new art was found around each bend of the trail. Each artist is given their own space where there are no distractions. For this reason, each piece generally occupies a site within the forest where no other sculptures are visible. The artists have been encouraged to pay attention to the natural environment. Each piece in the Sculpture Forest interrelates with the natural surroundings.”
Thank you, Carolyn and Whidbey Local!