The Whidbey News-Times and Everett Herald newspapers selected us as an “Island Summer Treat“! Along with Meerkerk Gardens, Island Shakespeare Festival, and ice cream shops, author Patricia Guthrie writes about the Sculpture Forest as a recommended summer destination.

“Beware the T-Rex. Watch out for the wings of Pegasus. And be sure not to follow Icarus when strolling through Price Sculpture Forest. Located south of Coupeville, nature is protected and art selected along two trails where the public is encouraged to ‘Wander in Wonder.’

Artists from near and far — Bow, Coupeville, Langley and Port Townsend to New Mexico and New York City — are featured. Letting nature and art coincide and not override one another is an important design concept… A new sculpture is chosen based on both its standalone merits and on how it fits within the overall park and collection.”

You can read more in the May 17 2023 edition of the Whidbey News-Times, including a heads-up on our big August 19 professional dance event, or the different titled same article in the Everett Herald.

Everett Herald article Plays Parks and Perfect Sundaes Whidbey Serves Up Summer Island Getaways intro

  • May 2023