You Too Can Be A Sculpture! Have you ever wanted to be art incarnate? We have provided a new temporary installation on the Nature Nurtured trail where you are encouraged to pose on a sculpture base, complete with signage and integration into the self-guided walking tour. When visitors add the hashtag “#pricesculptureforest” in their public social media posts, we can see your fun creations and will reach out to share a few of them with readers here in the future. If you ever wanted to be personally exhibited in a sculpture park, come by and strike a pose…

You Too Can Be A Sculpture by Nastasha Grennan at Price Sculpture Forest - photo by Crystal Styles Facebook crystal.stiles.12
Nastasha Grennan from Charleston SC as sculpture / photo by mother Crystal Styles from Montague CA
You Too Can Be A Sculpture by Cadyn Macias - photo by mother Jessica Macias
Cadyn Macias as Spiderman sculpture / photo by mother Jessica Macias of San Diego CA
You Too Can Be A Sculpture by Kim Arends at Price Sculpture Forest
Kim Arends of Coupeville WA as sculpture / photo by friend Mary
You Too Can Be A Sculpture by grandchildren Jake and Molly at Price Sculpture Forest - photo by Betty Keeton of Oak Harbor
Jake and Molly as sculpture / photo by grandmother Betty Keeton of Oak Harbor WA
You Too Can Be A Sculpture by Susan McClung of Oak Harbor - photo by Jerry McClung
Susan McClung of Oak Harbor WA as sculpture / photo by husband Jerry McClung

  • March 2022