Spring has sprung at the Sculpture Forest, with a growth spurt of plants and trees inhabited by birds and all kinds of little creatures. Cate Ruskin of Seattle encountered a small flock of chickadees as they burst forth from a nearby bush and landed right beside her, giving her the opportunity to look them in the eye, up close and personal. She was visiting with her wife Zoe and brother Tim for a day trip to the Sculpture Forest and Whidbey Island.
“Very much wanted to visit as your park combines two of my favorite things: art and nature. Walking through an old growth forest is pretty close to my idea of heaven. Add in some amazing sculpture and birds and, well, that’s magic. You helped me discover several artists that I’d not previously been aware of. And as a native of Washington, I’ve seen what population growth has done to our beautiful state, how much flora and fauna has been lost even in the past 40 years. Let me personally thank you for your decision to save the forest and share these wonders with the world.”
Thank you for sharing too, Cate!