Feminist Barbie Takes Flight at Sculpture Forest!

Liz Jackson from Lynnwood wanted Barbie to enjoy the Sculpture Forest with her. Along the way, Barbie became entranced by Greg Neal‘s “Soaring Eagle” (donated by David Young). One thing led to another, and Soaring Eagle took Barbie on a magical ride through the trees of the huge Forest, wind in her hair and a smile on her face.

“I started my Barbie Instagram because I had a collection of Barbies (including some from my childhood in the 60s). I started looking for ideas to make Barbie crafts with my granddaughters and came across a whole Barbie Instagram community! I thought it would be fun to intermingle my love of Barbies with my feminism – hence the Instagram name feministabarbie. I thought it would be fun to post all kinds of pictures with Barbie, keeping in mind that she is now a feminist who can do anything!”

Thank you for sharing your visit with Barbie, Liz. And thank you for providing a magic carpet ride for Barbie, David and Greg.

Feminist Barbie flies on Soaring Eagle by Greg Neal at Price Sculpture Forest park garden in Coupeville on Whidbey Island - photo by Liz Jackson
Liz’s Feminist Barbie flies high
  • August 2021