Shaun Sears, star of the Animal Planet TV show “Treetop Cat Rescue”, ably helped internationally-exhibited wire sculptor Elizabeth Berrien and the park founder elevate a flying horse into the canopy of the Sculpture Forest trees.

Elizabeth envisioned fun visual impact in bringing her 17 foot wing span “Golden Pegasus” to fly above visitors’ heads in the Sculpture Forest.  After an initial attempt with extension ladders, we realized this needed a professional tree climber to position Pegasus at its proper height and orientation.  Elizabeth reached out to Shaun.  He was enthusiastic about “rescuing” a flying horse in a sculpture park.  He has rescued many cats (and other animals) as part of his busy nonprofit organization Canopy Cat Rescue, though never before had he rescued a flying horse or a sculpture.

Onsite, we strategized regarding cables, locations, trees, and how to interconnect everything while Elizabeth positioned the horses wings and body for full flight.  We used loose adjustable hammock straps around the tree trunks to eliminate any potential connective harm to the trees.  As a result of Elizabeth’s beautiful artistry and Shaun’s tree climbing expertise with a sense of fun, Pegasus is now 25+ feet up in the air and happy to finally be flying with freedom in a natural setting.

Stay tuned for video of the installation and look for our opening date soon so you can visit to experience Elizabeth’s Golden Pegasus in flight.

Elizabeth Berrien Golden Pegasus on ground at Price Sculpture Forest sculpture park Coupeville Whidbey Island
Elizabeth Berrien’s Golden Pegasus on the forest floor before taking flight
Shaun Sears of Canopy Cat Rescue climbing trees to install Elizabeth Berrien Golden Pegasus at Price Sculpture Forest
Shaun Sears of Canopy Cat Rescue climbing a tree to position cables for Pegasus
  • September 2020