We love the small but growing collaborative team of volunteers at the Sculpture Forest. There are many things always going on. People can pick what interests themselves most and decide how they want to help. Volunteers can help one day or be an ongoing part of the team. There are both outdoor activities and computer-based indoor activities. Every volunteer has their own interesting story on why they want to be a part of helping the nonprofit Sculpture Forest be successful for the community.
Sister Caldwell and Sister Bertasso recently decided that the Sculpture Forest’s mission was indirectly aligned with their personal values and their church’s mission in doing positive things for the community. So, they offered to come out in the fresh air on a pretty day to help clean up along the trails (part of being in a growing forest is… steady small debris from the forest!). We all enjoyed working together and getting to know each other more. They are an inspired duo.
Thank you, Sister Bertasso and Sister Caldwell.