Whidbey Weekly editor Kathy Reed wrote a terrific article about this weekend’s “WANDER/WONDER: a sculptured dance happening” event at the Sculpture Forest.  From Kathy:

“As she did last year, [choreographer Eva] Stone visited the park for inspiration several months in advance, selecting the sculptures to be featured this year. She studied each of the sculptures and their creators, letting the pieces’ stories guide her in selecting music and movement. But no matter how much rehearsal takes place in studio, sometimes on-site inspiration can still transform a performance.

‘I heard so many great stories last year about how solos began to modify,” Stone shared. “They started with something we had choreographed, and it began morphing into something else.”

Thank you, Kathy and Whidbey Weekly!

Whidbey Weekly Sculpted Dance Returns To Price Sculpture Forest by Kathy Reed article

  • August 2023