Greg Neal’s Gliding Albatross has been a well loved avian sculpture on the Nature Nurtured trail, with sunlight gleaming off of its spread stainless steel wings and the compound curves of its fuselage-like body. We have been coordinating with Greg regarding another, even more impressive sculpture and decided to rotate out Gliding Albatross to bring in this new creative vision. We are wistful to see Albatross fly away, though very much looking forward to what will be flying in to replace it.

Gliding Albatross will be available for sale (among other sculptures) directly from the artist at

Thank you for your time with us, Albatross. Enjoy your new flock elsewhere!

Greg Neal Gliding Albatross at Price Sculpture Forest sculpture park Coupeville Whidbey Island
Gliding Albatross by its viewing bench along Nature Nurtured
Sculptor Greg Neal sculpture Gliding Albatross at Price Sculpture Forest sculpture park garden in Coupeville on Whidbey Island
Gliding Albatross up close
  • January 2021